With strength, joy and confidence through challenging life situations

A warm welcome to you!

My name is Meike, I am 33 years old, a psychologist, systemic coach and founder of Contenta Coaching. I'm so much more than that, but I'll come to that later.

So that you can stay in the flow of your life even in challenging situations

In both my professional and personal experience, it is precisely the big steps, the transitions to new things in life, during which coaching is particularly needed, particularly helpful and effective.

Whether it is a big step in your professional or private life where you would like my support - my goal is for you to go through this time strong and happy.

I support you so that you can enjoy what you are currently doing in your life full of joy, energy and confidence, be happy and actively take control of your life. For example, I can help you so that you don't get stuck in an unloved job forever, or so that you don't miss out on enjoying time with your little baby because you don't have the energy and so on. Everyone experiences such challenges individually and the examples are countless. However, it is always the transitions, the big steps, that fascinate me and where I stand by your side.

Whether you are already in the middle of a big change in your life, have just felt the first desire for change or everything is already over and you have the feeling that something is not quite right.

My Experiences

  • M. Sc. Psychology with focus on clinical psychology and work and organizational psychology
  • Integral business coach (ICF) & systemic consultant
  • 5 years experience in coaching & systemic consulting
  • 3 years expert for change management as external and later as internal consultant

Lets get started!