Call it baby break?
Don't you think that baby break is actually the wrong word? After all, we don't just pick up where we left off, we are no longer the same and this "break" has no end.
Returning to work with a baby is one thing above all: a new beginning!
Because your baby didn't come to then disappear again. In the future, it's about how you can combine your role as a mother with your job and all areas of your life and be happy and satisfied in the process.
It is about new sources of energy and ways of constructive exchange with your environment.

Start now with our self-check
Are you ready to get going again?
Answer these simple questions and find out.

Get professional support for a succesful new beginning
As a mother, you are in constant action 24/7 and you are no longer the same person as before. Something has clearly changed in your life and your areas of life have been reprioritized.
Returning to work triggers many emotional processes that can be stressful
- your child is being cared for by someone else for the first time for a longer period of time and you are worried about missing out on important moments
- your workplace has not stood still either and it is unclear what exactly awaits you
- you are struggling with emotional and physical exhaustion
Get professional support for this challenging task and make sure that you return to work with a good feeling and success!